IRB 5500-22/23
FlexPainter - A new way of exterior painting. The IRB 5500 FlexPainter takes painting closer to perfection by integrating the paint application equipment. Combined with its large work area and high acceleration and painting speed, the result is the most efficient and flexible paint robot solution for basically any application.
Key features
Paint savings
Our compact and light-weight paint application components enable us to put vital paint regulation equipment, like the pumps, as close as 15 cm from the wrist. This reduces paint and solvent waste during color change significantly.
We have integrated the process equipment in the IRB 5500 FlexPainter in addition to the fully integrated process control (hardware and software). The IRC5P is controlling both the paint process and the robot motion so you can enjoy substantial savings.
Powered by IPS
The “push-out” function integrated in the IPS system is one specific feature that enables a reduction of paint even further. The basic architecture of IPS is built on combining process control and motion control as one, this simplified the system set up and enables for real savings and process perfection.
Built for painting
Standard solutions accommodate color change valves for up to 32* colors with circulation, integrated in the process arm of the robot. Also two pumps, driven by integrated servo motors, 64 pilot valves, atomizer control with dual shape air and closed loop regulation, closed loop regulation of bell speed and high voltage control – all fully integrated. Solutions for both solvent- and water-borne paint are available. Please note that more is avalible on special request.
Less atomizers, higher flow
ABB’s high flow RB1000 atomizer family is specifically designed for the high acceleration and speed of the IRB 5500 FlexPainter. This unique combination significantly reduces the number of robots needed in a spray booth and provides superior performance and high finish quality.
Paint robot control system
IRC5P is a modern control system, specifically designed for the paint shop. With the IPS (Integrated Process System), the userfriendly Ex certified FlexPaint Pendant and RobView 5 it is a combination of standardized functions for the paint installation and to fit specific needs.
Our compact and light-weight paint application components enable us to put vital paint regulation equipment, like the pumps, as close as 15 cm from the wrist. This reduces paint and solvent waste during color change significantly.
We have integrated the process equipment in the IRB 5500 FlexPainter in addition to the fully integrated process control (hardware and software). The IRC5P is controlling both the paint process and the robot motion so you can enjoy substantial savings.
Powered by IPS
The “push-out” function integrated in the IPS system is one specific feature that enables a reduction of paint even further. The basic architecture of IPS is built on combining process control and motion control as one, this simplified the system set up and enables for real savings and process perfection.
Built for painting
Standard solutions accommodate color change valves for up to 32* colors with circulation, integrated in the process arm of the robot. Also two pumps, driven by integrated servo motors, 64 pilot valves, atomizer control with dual shape air and closed loop regulation, closed loop regulation of bell speed and high voltage control – all fully integrated. Solutions for both solvent- and water-borne paint are available. Please note that more is avalible on special request.
Less atomizers, higher flow
ABB’s high flow RB1000 atomizer family is specifically designed for the high acceleration and speed of the IRB 5500 FlexPainter. This unique combination significantly reduces the number of robots needed in a spray booth and provides superior performance and high finish quality.
Paint robot control system
IRC5P is a modern control system, specifically designed for the paint shop. With the IPS (Integrated Process System), the userfriendly Ex certified FlexPaint Pendant and RobView 5 it is a combination of standardized functions for the paint installation and to fit specific needs.
This package includes standard applications for defining User screens, Program editing and Version control, and many more. RobView 5 can also be a components in a larger Cell control HMI, like ABB FlexUI or other.
Modular paint components
To integrate the process into the IRB 5500 FlexPainter, ABB has developed a series of light-weight, compact and modular paint application components. This includes color change valves, 2K mixers, air- and paint regulators and pumps. All components are designed for maximum flow.
New variants with IRB 5500-22 floor mounted and IRB 5500-23 clean-wall rail
The unique design and configuration of the wall mounted FlexPainter IRB 5500-22 has created the largest and most flexible robot working envelope for any paint robot.
It takes two FlexPainter IRB 5500-22s to handle jobs that up until now have required four paint robots. The results are lower cost, both initially and in the long run, faster installation, high uptime and reliability.
The FlexPainter IRB 5500-22 is specifically designed for ABB’s efficient FlexBell Cartridge System (CBS). The loss during color change is close to zero. It is the best solution for non-batch painting and multiple colors.
Modular paint components
To integrate the process into the IRB 5500 FlexPainter, ABB has developed a series of light-weight, compact and modular paint application components. This includes color change valves, 2K mixers, air- and paint regulators and pumps. All components are designed for maximum flow.
New variants with IRB 5500-22 floor mounted and IRB 5500-23 clean-wall rail
The unique design and configuration of the wall mounted FlexPainter IRB 5500-22 has created the largest and most flexible robot working envelope for any paint robot.
It takes two FlexPainter IRB 5500-22s to handle jobs that up until now have required four paint robots. The results are lower cost, both initially and in the long run, faster installation, high uptime and reliability.
The FlexPainter IRB 5500-22 is specifically designed for ABB’s efficient FlexBell Cartridge System (CBS). The loss during color change is close to zero. It is the best solution for non-batch painting and multiple colors.
- Faster return on investment
- Improved reliability of a complete automation system
- Increased flexibility for new processes and new vehicle models
- Reduced size and environmetal impact of robotic paint booths
- Reduced required booth length and width for a robotic paint system
- Reduced air handling volumes for ventilation
- Reduced emissions from booth exhausts
- Reduced machine programming efforts, in time and personnel requirements
Carolina Motion Controls Videos
Extra Information
ABB Robotics
100.00 LBS
Data Sheet:
Data Sheet
Product Type:
Paint Robots
7 kg
Number of axes:
IP66 (wrist IP54)
Wall, floor, tilted, inverted, clean-wall rail
IRC5P Paint