IRC5 Single Cabinet Controller
Based on more than four decades of robotics experience, the IRC5 is the robotic industry’s benchmark in robot controller technology. In addition to ABB’s unique motion control it brings flexibility, safety, modularity, application interfaces, multi-robot control and PC tool support. The IRC5 comes in different variants to provide a cost-effective and optimized solutions for every need.
Key Features
Based on advanced dynamic modeling, the IRC5 automatically optimizes the performance of the robot by reducing cycle times (QuickMove®) and providing precise path accuracy (TrueMove®).
It fulfills all relevant regulations and is certified by third party inspectors world wide
It supports the majority of all state-of-the-art industrial networks for I/O.
All ABB robot systems are programmed with RAPID™, ABB’s flexible, high-level programming language.
Built-in diagnostic functions help ensure fast recovery and production restarts when operations are interrupted on the factory floor.
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